Saturday 27 August 2016

Fitness Management On Weight Loss

Fitness Management On Weight Loss

Health is important ;-
01. Our body comes perfect in every way .
02.And it’s the only one we will ever have
Unfortunately it comes without any guarantee ! We have to take care of it !
03. Fit families are happy families.

Fit people are good looking !
01. Muscles develop healthy tone
02. Firmness adds shape to the body
03. Bones strengthen
04. Reduction of fat - and you start looking better.

Fit people are winners !
a. Self-Esteem
b. Confidence
c. Disease resistance (lower medical bills…)
d. Happiness
f. Increased efficiency
g. Better performance.

But what is fitness ?
01. Carrying on daily tasks without undue fatigue,
02.Having ample energy left over to enjoy leisure-time activities, and
03. Managing stress effectively.

Fitness has many forms :-
01. Body fitness
02. Diet fitness
03. Mind fitness
04. Sports fitness
05. Work fitness.

Health related fitness :-
01. Posture
02. Cardiovascular fitness
04. Endurance
05. Muscle strength
06. Flexibility
07. Body composition

Components of Physical Fitness :-
01. Posture - Muscle Flexibility
02. Gait - Muscle Strength
03. Balance - Muscle Endurance.

Flexibility :-
It is the capacity of the muscles, tendons and ligaments to stretch without getting injured. Flexibility allows the joints to go through the  full range of movements. Benefits of flexibility training include reduced risk of injury and muscle tension, decreased lower back pain,  improve postural awareness and enhanced ability to perform activities  of daily living.

Measure Flexibility with Sit and Reach Test :-
Sit on the ground with legs straight and toes pointing the ceiling. Now bend forward and try to reach your toes with your fingers. Do not jerk  and bend your knees.

A. If you can just manage to touch your toes, flexibility is 0

B. If you are not able to touch your toes, have the distance from your finger tips to your toes measured. If 3cm flexibility is –3.

Muscle Strength :-
We measure the strength of two muscles:

a. The abdominal muscles

b. The muscles of the back

These have significant role to play in a person’s fitness level.

Muscle Strength :-
This isometric pose measures the middle body strength.With the hands in front  and knees bent, a person has to raise the torso upwards till at 45 degree angle. And hold this position for as long as he can.

Back- Hold:
Here a person has to lie on his stomach with his hands in front of him, keeping his legs straight, his torso should be raised slowly as high as he can and maintain that position for as long as possible.

Cardiovascular fitness, aerobic capacity and stamina are other words commonly used for endurance.
A person with good endurance recovers more quickly after exertion and has a lower heart rate and blood pressure at rest.
A person with poor endurance would be having high resting heart rate, breathlessness on exertion and feeling tiredness.

Measuring Endurance : The Step Test :-
The three minute step test is a simple measurement of aerobic fitness or endurance.
You need a stool or a bench 20 cm high and a watch. You need to climb 24 times a minute or twice in 5 sec. A steady rhythm is maintained with right up, left up, right down, left down. After 3 minutes of continuous stepping sit down and rest for 30 sec. After the 30 seconds rest count the pulse for another 30 seconds.

Refer to the table in fitness report to know how you have faired.
(Before the test, measure the resting pulse and refer the table in fitness report.)


Fit people are large hearted - literally !!
Cardiovascular fitness not only adds years to your life - it adds life to your years !

Benefits of Exercise :-
Raises BMR
Counters the effects of ageing
A. As we age:
1. Body weight remains the same
2. Body fat increases
3. Shifts from extremities to the abdomen
4. Causes increased heart problems
5. Increased blood pressure.

01. Benefits of Exercise :-
Releases ‘Feel-Good’ chemicals from the brain
02. Beneficial effects of these chemicals
Reduce depression
Reduce anxiety
Reduce fatigue
Reduce anger and confusion
03. Have an enlarged, efficient heart
Reduced heart rate
Reduced blood pressure
Prevents Osteoporosis
Increases bone mass
Reduces risk of fractures.

04. Benefits of Exercise :-
Gives More Energy
Increases number of RBCs
Increases Oxygen to muscles
Increases strength and endurance
Reduces Ageing !

05. Reduces Ageing
Delays Muscle Deterioration
Normally, without exercise there is 1% decrease in muscle size per year
With exercise, this reduction does not start till age sixty
Prevents decline of Central Nervous System (CNS)
Slow reaction time
Slow muscle and joint movements
Good for skin and hair
Improves the blood flow
Improves nutrition
Removes waste

06. Increases the skin thickness
Reduces wrinkles
Delays ageing.

A. What Can Exercise do for You?
Prevent and reduce joint problems
Reducing your weight lessens wear and tear on joints
Inactivity can contribute to arthritis, while exercising helps prevent it
Exercise keeps muscle, bones, and cartilage strong and healthy, protecting your joints
Halt bone loss
Both men and women become more prone to bone loss as we age, but exercise can actually promote increased bone mass and strength
Increased bone mass helps prevent fractures and osteoporosis
Improve respiration: breathe easier at rest and when active
During exercise, our lungs work harder to supply oxygen to our bodies. Our lungs adapt to  the extra workload and become more efficient at providing oxygen. Eventually, exercise and other daily activities become easier.

Exercise and Cardiovascular Disease :-
FACT: CVD is the number one killer in the developing countries
Over three million in India alone will suffer a heart attack this year 30% will not survive the acute episode,and 10% more will die during the following year.
About 500,000 will suffer a stroke, 40% will
be left with a significant disability,
and 30% will die within the following year.
FACT: A sedentary lifestyle is a risk factor for CVD, according to the American Heart Association
Exercise reduces blood pressure
Exercise prevents atherosclerosis (clogged arteries).

Exercise and Cancer :-
The basics:
Exercise helps to prevent obesity, a major risk factor for several types of cancer
Exercise enhances immune function
Exercise activates antioxidant enzymes that protect cells from free radical damage.

Colon cancer:
Physical activity speeds movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, reducing the risk of colon cancer
Breast cancer:
High levels of circulating estrogens influence the development of cancers of the female reproductive system; exercise reduces levels of circulating estrogen, thus reducing risk.

Exercise and Diabetes :-
Increase insulin sensitivity
Exercise has been shown to increase the ability of the body to use insulin, which improves how the body uses sugar
Control blood glucose
Exercise removes come glucose directly from the blood to use for energy during and after activity
Control weight / lower body fat
4 out of 5 people with diabetes are overweight
Studies show that when diabetics lose weight, their condition improves
Reduce risk of cardiovascular disease
People with diabetes are at increased risk for CVD.

Exercise and Depression :-
Over 38 million people suffer from depression each year in India
Exercise can help prevent depression. In fact, recent studies have shown  that exercise was found to be just as effective (despite a slower initial response) as antidepressant medication for treatment of depression.
The connection:
Exercise reduces health problems , making you feel better
Exercise helps you sleep better
Exercise controls weight, enhancing self-esteem
Endorphin stimulation is linked to exercise
Endorphins are molecules formed in the body that naturally relieve pain by activating opiate receptors. They are involved in determining mood and controlling the body’s response to stress.
Prolonged exercise (above 70% max) contributes to increased production of endorphins, resulting in a sense of euphoria that has been popularly labeled “runner’s high”.

Exercise and Your Mind :-
Short-term benefits:
Boost alertness (possibly by triggering the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine)
Improve memory
Improve intellectual function
Spark creativity

Long-term benefits:
Exercise has been shown to slow and even reverse age-related decline in mental function and loss of short-term memory
Studies show that physically fit older people react to normal challenges as quickly as unfit people who are 30 years younger.

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